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Kun Shan Xi Nuo Ba Precise Mold Co.,Ltd
Contact:Ge manager
Add: 1430 Beimen Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu Provice

Employee safety 當(dāng)前位置: 首頁 > About > Employee safety

Xi Nuo Bathink the health and safety of employees is the most important.
We are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment that reduces the risk of injury, environmental damage or property damage.
Xi Nuo Ba protects employees and the environment around the following five core concepts:
1) all accidents are precautionary.
2) safety is everyone's responsibility.
3) occupational safety and environmental laws are the minimum requirements and we are striving to exceed them.
4) all visitors, including customers and suppliers, shall also comply with our obligations to prevent injury and protect the environment.
5) protecting employees' health and safety is our top priority.

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