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What are the ways to tighten the grip of automobile inspection tools?

Author:Web Source:Web Date:2018-05-26 17:05:02 Sentiment:116


We produce often appear in industry due to various reasons the formation of the error, the factory in order to deal with this problem and the development of the detection, in short, with adjustable, can repeat use something special dimension error detection can be called a fixture, it is industrial production is used to control the products of various dimensions of the simple things, progress to produce power and control quality. Similarly, error detection is also required in the production of cars. At this time, car inspection tools are required. What are the clamping methods of car inspection tools?

Horseshoe head clamping method: the clamping head is made of aluminum, and the opening should be greater than 6.5mm. This method is generally adopted by the public inspection equipment. In order to achieve this purpose, the clamping arm should not exceed the central point of the RPS positioning surface, otherwise the tri-coordinate probe will be blocked by the clamping arm and the measurement will be affected. Otherwise, if there is positioning or testing pin at the positioning surface, it should be noted that when the clamp is opened, the chuck should not interfere with the positioning or testing pin, which will affect the operation.

Positioning surface and clamping: in principle, there is a local clamping requirement for each positioning surface, the clamping point should be located at the center of the positioning surface, and the clamping direction of the clamping device should be common with the normal direction of the positioning surface. The viewpoint of the positioning surface and the supporting face of the clamper are negligible if it is less than 5 degrees. If it is greater than 5 degrees, the clamping direction of the clamping device should be in common with the normal direction of the positioning surface.

Push clamping: including clamping and spring clamping methods, generally the clamping method with clamping pliers should be considered as far as possible.

As for the clamping methods of car inspection tools, which will be Shared here today, car inspection tools can be visually inspected through the holes of different properties on the parts and the connection orientation between parts and parts, and then ensure that the quality status of parts can be quickly determined during production. In this case, visual inspection or measurement can be used to determine the deviation between the surrounding size and shape area and the relative orientation and the theoretical value of the tool directly processed by CAD/CAM.

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