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What are the cautions of using car inspection?

Author:Web Source:Web Date:2018-07-30 11:16:10 Sentiment:52

1. Before use, check whether the inspection is within the validity period of verification. The measuring surface of the inspection tool and the measured parts of the parts should be cleaned to avoid the existence of stolen goods and the measurement accuracy will be affected.

2. During the use of the inspection tools, do not stack them with tools, knives, etc., in order to avoid hitting the inspection tools, and do not put them on the equipment casually, so as to avoid the vibration of the equipment and the inspection tools falling off.

3. As a measuring tool, inspection tools should never be used as substitutes for other tools.

4. When abnormal phenomena are found in the inspection, such as surface unevenness, burrs, bending deformation, etc., do not repair by yourself, and do not allow to use hammer, file, and gauze polishing by yourself.

5. As the parts may have shape errors, the inspection of a workpiece must be carried out in different parts of the workpiece several times to determine whether the workpiece is qualified or not.

6. Protect the metrological certificate label on the inspection tool.

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