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Periodic function of inspection tools

Author:Web Source:Web Date:2018-05-26 17:13:49 Sentiment:45


1. Product planning stage. For new models, especially for the development of new models, there are few references. At this time, functional master model inspection tools can assist in the rapid debugging operation, especially when the early parts and equipment are not stable, which can be a reference benchmark.

2. Product verification stage. In this stage, the function of the master model checker can also play a key role, especially in the first test installation stage of batch parts.

3. Trial production stage. The main model tool can connect the digital model car with the mass production model and the parts. During the trial production stage, the resistance between the white body and the plastic parts in the surface is often unavoidable. The functional master model tool can effectively determine the bottom location of the problem, and then guide the correction of unqualified parts, indicating the direction of product quality improvement.

4. Batch production stage after SOP. The main model tool can also be used for daily quality control and problem analysis of parts. Especially when the quality of the product is shaken, whether the white body is shaken, or the error of the interior trim parts, or the mutation and accumulation of both can be analyzed by using the main model tool.

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