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Test method of automobile inspection tools

Author:Web Source:Web Date:2018-07-28 15:00:50 Sentiment:78


The production of industry cannot be separated from testing tools. The use of inspection tools can control the simplicity of tools of various sizes of products and improve the production efficiency and control quality in industrial production. Similarly, the manufacture of automobiles also requires testing tools, automobile inspection tools used in automobile manufacturing. So what are the categories of vehicle inspection methods?

1. Oil painting inspection: clean the outer cover with clean gauze. Apply oil evenly in the same direction with a clean brush to the entire surface of the stamping parts. Check the finished stamping parts in strong light. It is recommended to stand the stamping parts on the body position. With this method, it is easy to find the small pitting, pond and ripple on the stamping parts.

2. Oil stone grinding: firstly, clean the outer cover with clean gauze, then polish with oil stone (20x20x100mm or larger), and use relatively small oil stone for local and hard-to-reach areas with circular arc. The choice of oil stone particle size depends on external conditions (such as roughness, galvanized, etc.). Fine grained pumice stone is recommended. The direction of the grinding is basically along the longitudinal direction, and it fits well to the outside of the stamping parts, and some special local can be supplemented by the horizontal grinding.

3. Contact inspection: clean the outer cover with clean gauze. Inspectors are required to wear contact gloves and press them vertically against the outside of the stamping parts, depending on the experience of the inspectors. If necessary, the detected suspicious areas can be sanded and verified by the pumice stone, but this method is an effective and quick inspection method.

4. Appearance inspection: there should be no obvious defects such as rust, burr, scratch on the measuring surface that affect the appearance and quality of use; there should be no corrosion and crack on other surfaces.

5. Polishing the flexible gauze: clean the outer cover with clean gauze. Any pitting or indentation can be easily detected by grinding the surface of the stamping parts vertically to the whole surface with a flexible sand mesh.

The inspection methods of automobile inspection tools are Shared here today. Automobile inspection tools are suitable for mass production products, and can replace professional measurement tools, such as smooth plug gauge, thread plug gauge, and external diameter gauge, which play an important role in industrial production.

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