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How many stages of the inspection process?

Author:Web Source:Web Date:2018-07-30 11:11:00 Sentiment:85

1. Product design stage: there are few references for the development of new models, especially new models. At this time, the functional master model inspection tool can help the rapid debugging work, especially when the early parts and equipment are unstable, which can be a reference benchmark.

2. Product verification stage: in this stage, functional master model inspection tools can also play a key role, especially in the first test installation stage of batch parts. Many design confirmation work can be carried out on the main model inspection tools.

3. Pilot production stage: the main model inspection tool can connect the digital sample car with the mass production model car and all parts. In the trial production stage, the conflict between the white body and the inner and outer plastic parts is often inevitable. The functional master model inspection tool can effectively determine the root of the problem, so as to guide the modification of unqualified parts and point out the direction for the improvement of product quality.

4. Batch production stage after SOP. The main model tool can also be used for daily quality control and problem analysis of parts. Especially in the case of product quality fluctuation, whether it is the quality fluctuation of the white body or the deviation of the interior and exterior parts, or the gradual change and accumulation of both, it can be analyzed by using the main model tool.

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