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How should car inspection tools be maintained

Author:Web Source:Web Date:2018-05-26 15:48:22 Sentiment:70

In order to ensure that your vehicle inspection products do not have too big problems, good maintenance can promote the improvement of work efficiency:

1. Ensure that the vehicle inspection equipment is dry due to environmental factors: keep the storage temperature between -10c and 60c; The humidity must be below 60%; The particles must not exceed 2%.

2. Basic maintenance of automobile inspection tools: ensure the external cleaning of the inspection tools simulation block, and keep some position of bolt, test pin and bottom plate clean; Place the movable parts that need to be removed in the corresponding position.

3. The maintenance time can be divided into six months or once a year

4. Check the pin hole for wear and tear, and replace it immediately if there is any problem

5. To check whether the precision slide is loose, add lubricating oil

6. Check whether the positioning datum is worn and rusted, some are replaced or polished in time

7: timely check the marking scale and coating for wear and tear.

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