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What are the advantages of car inspection?

Author:Web Source:Web Date:2018-05-26 17:11:37 Sentiment:36


We are all familiar with cars, so do you know about car inspection tools? Special inspection equipment for measuring and evaluating dimensions and quality of automobile parts. After many years of practical production experience, sinoba has accumulated a mature and advanced vehicle inspection technology.

Sinoba's technology has also been widely used in special projects and products in recent years. In recent years, the vehicle inspection technology has been developed rapidly and has become the mainstream technology. Because of its good cutting quality and precision, as well as unparalleled processing speed, the automobile industry generally believes that laser cutting will replace stamping as the mainstream vehicle inspection technology in the future. Now, we will make some brief introduction on the application of automobile inspection tools in automobile mould making.

At the scene of the car parts production, through the car fixture realize online detection of car parts, so need to install auto parts accurately on the car fixture, and then through the visual, or inventory, or caliper profile for car parts, check around, also can use inspection pin or visual different hole on the auto parts and automobile parts and automobile parts connecting position between visual inspection, to ensure that started in the trial production and production to realize auto parts quality status of rapid judgment. In this case, visual inspection or measurement can be used to determine the deviation between the size and shape area around the contour of the automobile parts and the relative position and the theoretical value of automobile inspection tools directly processed through CAD/CAM.

For some extremely important functional dimensions on automobile parts, the vehicle inspection tools can also be used for numerical detection. Generally, the precise coordinate value of automobile parts based on the coordinate system of automobile body cannot be obtained directly with the aid of automobile inspection tools, but only by placing automobile parts on the vehicle inspection tools through the tri-coordinate measuring machine. The structure of modern automobile inspection tools is designed with the consideration that they can be used as measuring support. However, when the online inspection function of automobile inspection tools cannot be satisfied with the measurement support function, the online inspection function of automobile inspection tools should be satisfied first.

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