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How to inspect kunshan sheet metal workpiece?

Author:Web Source:Web Date:2018-08-01 09:43:07 Sentiment:93


Kunshan sheet metal workpiece surface, its surface should be flat, and no burrs, bulges and cracks. For riveting parts, it is: riveting nuts, riveting screws, riveting nuts, riveting nuts and riveting nuts, etc. After pressing riveting, the riveting area should not be deformed, its ladle height, wall thickness should be uniform, and there should be no burrs on the top. Sheet metal machining of manipulator is required in welding:

1. The weld shall be firm and even, and shall not have defects such as virtual welding, cracks, welding penetration, gouging and edge biting. .

2. The length and height of the weld shall not exceed the allowable requirements of sheet metal workpiece.

3. Welding spot length is 8— 12 mm, the distance between the two solder joints should be 200; 20 mm.

4. On the drawing, if there is any special requirement for soldering point, it should be carried out according to the drawing.

5. After the welding, there shall be no defects such as slag inclusion, air hole, welding tumor and bump on the outer surface of the part. Some important parts have to be welded and unstressed to prevent deformation.

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