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The function of coordinate measuring machine in mold quality assurance

Author:Web Source:Web Date:2018-08-02 09:37:25 Sentiment:129


Coordinate measuring machine is widely used in the mould industry. It is a modern intelligent tool for design, development, testing and statistical analysis. The main three coordinate measuring machines used today are bridge measuring machine, gantry measuring machine, horizontal arm measuring machine and portable measuring machine. The measurement method can be divided into contact type and non-contact type.

If there is any deviation in the matching between the core cavity of the mould and the guide sleeve of the guide column, the deviation value can be found out by the coordinate measuring machine for correction. After forming the profile of the mold core cavity, many inserts and local surfaces are processed and formed on the electric pulse by the electrode, so the quality of electrode processing and non-standard surface quality become the key points of mold quality. Therefore, it is necessary to measure the shape of electrode with the coordinate measuring machine.

The coordinate measuring machine can use the input of 3D digital model to compare the positioning, size, shape tolerance, curve and surface of the finished mould and the digital model, and output the graphical report, which can directly and clearly reflect the mould quality, so as to form a complete inspection report of the finished mould.

In the case that some molds have worn out for a period of time and need to be corrected, but there is no original design data (i.e., mathematical model), the collection point cloud can be obtained by the cross section method, which can be output in a specified format, and the probe radius can be compensated and shaped, so as to achieve the intact repair effect.

When some surface contours are neither arcs nor paraboloids, but irregular surfaces, the surface can be made by hand from sludge or gypsum as the substrate. Then, the cut-off line, characteristic line and parting line of each section are measured by the three-coordinate measuring machine, and output in the specified format. The probe radius is compensated for the modeling, and the smooth curve is rounded in the modeling process, so a brand new mould is designed and produced.

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