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Do you know how to maintain the car inspection tools?

Author:Web Source:Web Date:2018-06-23 15:53:23 Sentiment:68

How is the vehicle inspection equipment maintained

1. Ensure that the vehicle inspection tools are dry due to environmental factors: keep the storage temperature between -10c and 60c; The humidity must be below 60%; The particles must not exceed 2%.

2. Basic maintenance of automobile inspection tools: ensure the external cleaning of the inspection tools simulation block, and keep some pin, test pin, bottom plate and other positions clean; Place the movable parts that need to be removed in the corresponding position.

3. The maintenance time can be divided into six months or one year:

4. Check whether the pin hole is worn, and replace it immediately if there is any problem;

5. To check whether the precision slide is loose, add lubricating oil;

6. Check whether the positioning datum is worn and rusted, and some are replaced or polished in time;

7. Timely check the marking scale and coating for abrasion and peeling

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