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What requirements should the standard parts of automobile inspection meet?

Author:Web Source:Web Date:2018-07-24 11:16:44 Sentiment:66


Standard parts of automobile inspection tools are special inspection equipment used to measure and evaluate the dimension and quality of parts. Accurate install on the fixture parts, and then through the visual (fixture engraved with the corresponding error tolerance for contour line), or check gauge (fixture parts), or caliper profile for parts, check around, can also with the help of inspection bolt or visual components on different properties of hole and the connection position between the parts and parts for inspection.

Good standard parts of automobile inspection tools should meet the following requirements :1. Fully understand the functional conditions of products and the classification of functions. 2. Meet the requirements of ergonomics. 3. It has the function of three-dimensional detection and can detect all aspects of the product. 4. Easy maintenance, easy handling and clear marking.

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